28 days (one month) – this is the life of most* in-use insulin.

*Check your manufacturer’s information leaflet for your specific medication, noting that Novo Nordisk states 6 weeks for some brands but it is essential that you check the leaflet.

Please read the full explanation below:

The FRIO® travel wallet is an evaporative cooling unit, purposely designed to keep in-use insulin cool within safe temperatures of 18-26°C (64.4-78.8°F) for 45 hours minimum, even in a constant environmental temperature of 37.8°C (100°F).

The wallet can be ‘re-activated’/’topped-up’ to provide continuous safe storage conditions for subsequent periods of 45 hours minimum for up to 28 days (one month).

Note: 28 days (one month) is the life of in-use insulin. The wallet is re-useable.

Note: insulin must be at the manufacturer’s recommended temperature before being placed in the FRIO® wallet. Please check the manufacturer’s information leaflet for your specific medication.