FRIO large wallet saved my vacation…
“I just got back from vacation and wanted to let you know how the FRIO large wallet saved my vacation. We were staying in a hotel with a refrigerator, so I put the wallet with my insulin vials and pens for myself and my husband on the middle shelf of the refrigerator. We also put a bottle of water in there to cool. A fewhours later, my husband took the water bottle out and found it partially frozen. We grabbed the Frio wallet and it was frosty on the outside. Inside, my insulin was safe. It had not frozen. So thank you for an excellent product and for saving our vacation. We could have gotten replacements for our insulin but it would have been a major hassle as it was the weekend. I won’t travel without my frio wallet!”
FRIO was a real life saver…
My family just went through Hurricane Katrina. My 78 year old mother is a diabetic who uses insulin. Fortunately, we had purchased a FRIO pouch at an earlier time. I wanted you to know, it worked beautifully. It kept her insulin cool and safe for over ten days until we could locate a generator to power a small refrigerator. During this time, we had no access to ice so the FRIO was a real life saver. Thanks for a terrific product.
Three Month Europe Trip
I wanted to let you know that I used your large wallet to store 9 containers of insulin for a three months trip over all of Europe from Bremerhaven to the southern tip of Corsica. We traveled by motorcycle and sidecar and camped or stayed in hotels in every kind of temperature and humidity. I was not able to use a refrigerator. I hydrated the wallet every 2-3 days and kept it in the wind behind me as I drove the motorcycle everyday. I put it in the tent out of the sun and in hotel rooms left it on the counter in the bathrooms. Your wallet worked superbly. My insulin was in perfect condition. I am not over stating when I say I would stake my life on your product.
Note: it is strongly recommended that extended travel plans of more than 28 days be discussed with your diabetic nurse or GP as should the availability of a ‘fridge on your travels. Insulin must be at the manufacturer’s recommended temperature before being placed in the FRIO® wallet. Please check the manufacturer’s information leaflet for your specific medication.
Back From Iraq: A Soldier’s Story
Staff Sergeant Mark Thompson convinced the Army that having type 1 diabetes shouldn’t keep him from serving in Iraq. An exerpt from the cover story from Diabetes Forecast magazine:
Thompson wears an insulin pump, and his main challenge would be keeping the insulin at 86°F or less, all while on the go in a place where temperatures can soar well over 100°F. He discovered reusable Frio pouches, which are made of a special material that is activated when the pouches are immersed in water. They keep contents cool for well over a day in such temperatures. ……..Summer came, bringing a blast of unimaginable heat. ……Temperatures hit upwards of 130°F; even the rock candy Thompson’s mother had sent from home melted.
The desert air, especially if there was any wind, “felt like sticking your head in the oven while cooking the Thanksgiving turkey,” Thompson said.
But Thompson was holding his own, and so were his pouches. He never even needed the refrigerator. And by February of this year, Thompson had completed his tour of duty in Iraq.