FREE First Class shipping when you order two or more FRIO® Wallets (just input Coupon Code "FREE")! Ideal for carrying various combinations of pens and vials, as follows: 2 x insulin pens (not incl.) or 2 x 10ml vials of insulin and syringes (not incl.) Not the right FRIO® size? Click here.
Do you prefer a Duo with a design? Check out our Collection line of Duos by clicking here.
FREE First Class shipping when you order two or more FRIO® Wallets (just input Coupon Code "FREE")! Ideal for carrying various combinations of pens and vials, as follows: 2 x insulin pens (not incl.) or 2 x 10ml vials of insulin and syringes (not incl.) Not the right FRIO® size? Click here.
Do you prefer our Classic Duo? If so, click here.
FREE First Class shipping when you order two or more FRIO® Wallets (just input Coupon Code "FREE")! Ideal for carrying various combinations of pens and vials, as follows: 4 x insulin pens (not incl.) or 6 x 10ml vials of insulin and syringes (not incl.) Not the right FRIO® size? Click here.
FREE First Class shipping when you order two or more FRIO® Wallets (just input Coupon Code code "FREE")! Ideal for carrying one insulin injection pen Note - If you have a non standard (chunky) pen, soak for less time or purchase a Duo wallet. Not the right FRIO® size? Click here.
FREE First Class shipping when you order two or more FRIO® Wallets (just input Coupon Code "FREE")! Ideal for carrying various combinations of pens, vials and cartridges as follows: 8 x insulin pens (not incl.) or 10 x 10ml vials of insulin and syringes (not incl.) Not the right FRIO® size? Click here.
FREE First Class shipping when you order two or more FRIO® Wallets (just input Coupon Code "FREE")! Ideal for carrying 1 x 10ml vials of insulin w/ syringes (not incl.) or one eye-drop bottle. Not the right FRIO® size? Click here.
FREE First Class shipping when you order two or more FRIO® Wallets (just input Coupon Code "FREE")! This size was initially produced at the request of the International Glaucoma Association and is extensively used for carrying many eye drop medication worldwide. It is also an ideal size for carrying vials of insulin. Ideal for carrying: 3 x 10ml vials of insulin and syringes (not incl.) or 3 x eye-drop bottles (not incl.) Not the right FRIO® size? Click here.
FREE First Class shipping when you order two or more FRIO® Wallets (just input Coupon Code "FREE")! Most suitable for those NOT using Pen injection systems and will hold the following: 4 x 10ml vials of insulin and syringes (not incl.) or 4 x eye drop containers (not incl.) Not the right FRIO® size? Click here.
FREE First Class shipping when you order two or more FRIO® Wallets (just input Coupon Code "FREE")! Ideal for carrying: most insulin pumps or 2 x insulin vials and syringes (not incl.) Not the right FRIO® size? Click here.
A waterproof liner is recommended for use with metal pens and any kind of electronic device as well as for medication in pre-filled syringes. A liner can also be used to keep medication labeling intact, if required. A liner is available for each size of FRIO's – Please choose the liner you require from the menu below. The Pump FRIO has a liner included Not the right FRIO size? Click here.